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- Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 01:32:40 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@undergrad.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: digest
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <9407250447.AA27904@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz.au>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9407250140.H27678-0100000@grad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- I would like to see a demo of WinLIB Pro and whatever other libraries
- people are working on.
- BTW, My "simple amodal dialog handler library" has evolved into an
- "object oriented application framework that handles window messages and
- events for you, plus it does amodal dialogs".
- Basically, I had an amodal handler that did a lot of stuff. I thought it
- would be nice if there were something under it that handled the events
- for it, so I built one that did that. You open a window, tell the
- library that it exists, give it a couple function pointers, and viola...
- all events are automatically directed for you to the appropriate
- routines. Each window is its own (mostly) encapsulated object.
- Oh, and BTW, compiled with an example program and no optimizations, the
- executable came to about 20k. <grin>
- Forget:
- ]Your example source code was interesting. Do you have any that shows how
- ]to scroll a window using the rectangle list and raster copies? That
- ]would be a pretty complex operation, I would think.
- I've done it in a terminal program. It's really no big deal, but I found
- a better way that involved another bitmap elsewhere in memory. It was
- easier, cleaner, and faster.
- Anyone:
- Here's an idea for operating back-ground windows... put an event
- rectangle around your window and watch for the mouse to move outside of
- your window. When it does, monitor all mouse activity
- [wind_update(BEG_MCTRL)], and when you get a click, process it. If it's
- an action on one of YOUR windows, then select buttons, whatever; top if
- necessary. If it's someone else's window, send a message to the
- application, telling it to top the window.
- This would work for normal TOS, and a properly aware library would detect
- MultiTOS, Geneva, etc., and use those facilities instead.
- Questions:
- 1. When you find another app's window and find out its handle, how do
- you get the application ID of that app so you can send it a message?
- 2. How do you detect the presence of MultiTOS?
- 3. How do you detect the presence of Geneva?
- 4. How do you make a window untoppable under MultiTOS and Geneva?
- 5. My compiler (Lattice C 5.6) has full support for MultiTOS... what do
- I do about Geneva?
- Could someone give me replacement code for form_button? I'm sure I could
- do it myself (and in fact will), but I just want to make sure that I'm
- not missing something. I need to know what it does in detail.
- Oh, and objc_edit code would be nice too. :) Although, I don't believe
- in sending keypresses to anything other than the top window, so
- replacement objc_edit wouldn't be very useful. <shrug>
- Are the icons on the desktop part of a desktop form? If so, how do
- programs get away with replacing the the background without removing the
- desktop's object tree?
- ]>Ken/Goemon/Gehenom/Dan Hollis:
- ] ^^^^^^^
- ]Gehenom means hell in Hebrew...
- Actually, it's "sh'ol" or "geyhinom". "geyhinom" is shown as "Gehenna"
- in translation, as a result of King James' Bible translators trying to
- turn Hebrew names into words that the English could handle. One of the
- added intents in their translation was to provide people with text that
- they could learn to read from (What more a noble thing to be your first
- reader? :), and accurate transliteration of Hebrew names wouldn't have
- been very helpful. There are also influences from German; they put a J
- wherever there was a Yod in Hebrew, as well as a CH for a Khet.
- "gey-hinowm" literally means "valley of torment", although I've found
- "hinnom" to also mean "Jebusite" whish seems to be a foreign word. <grin>
- I think the n in "hinnom" should always be doubled, but since I know
- modern Hebrew, I don't pay much attention to a dagesh in a nun or other
- letters that aren't affected by it in the modern.
- Warwick:
- Are you sure Calamus uses desktop objects for its tool bars, rather than
- windows? You can have multiple ones, they can be placed anywhere, and
- they are shadowed just like a window.